The Al Walidayn Girls Rescue Center is a state of the art facility that exists to take in, rehabilitate and nurture girls who have been orphaned or gone through, abandonment, neglect, abuse, forced early marriages and female genital mutilation. We do not discriminate, we take in any tribe, race, and religion.
We have a spacious modern standard hostel which is well equipped and well ventilated with in- house washrooms and baths. The institution has a holding capacity of one hundred (100) girls.
Among our highly competent staff is an in-house social worker who also ensures that any reintegration is safe for the girls, and follow ups are conducted to ensure the girls are getting on well.
Al Walidayn Integrated Academy is a modern well organised facility, that aims to provide first class education to the local community for free. It consists of a well equipped facility with ample classroom space, a fully networked ICT lab, a library and playing fields. It is a one of a kind institution in Kwale county and aims to compete with the very best.
There is a dispensary which is just next door built by the trustees’ labelled Al-Walidayn Bomu dispensary. The hospital has partnered with Bomu hospital which has improved the facility capable of seeing 200 patients daily. The girls will have a fortnight medical check. In case a case needs referral we already have a van that can ferry them quickly to Msambweni Level 5 hospital which is 15 minutes’ drive.
Since the community is predominantly Muslim, the trust put up a mosque to bring the people together physically and spiritually

The Alwalidayn Boys Rescue Center (BRC) By Help Yateem broke ground on construction in the beginning of 2020. The project was funded by the Help Yateem organization who are based in the UK and have continued to support our vision of having a fully functional and well run Boys Rescue Center. The BRC was officially opened on the 25 of February 2022 by the Honorable Safina KweKwe